Une mini horloge qui donne la température à base des composants suivants:
- un lcd
- un shield Le Sablier
- une Arduino Pro mini
- un capteur de température LM35DZ
/* MINI CLOCKT V1.0 http://johnlenfr.1s.fr /// LCD /// LCD1 VSS => Ground LCD2 VDD => +5V LCD3 V0 => digital pin 6 PWM Contrast LCD4 RS => digital pin 4 LCD5 RW => digital pin 7 LCD6 E => digital pin 8 LCD7 DB0 => not connected LCD8 DB1 => not connected LCD9 DB2 => not connected LCD10 DB3 => not connected LCD11 DB4 => digital pin 13 LCD12 DB5 => digital pin 12 LCD13 DB6 => digital pin 11 LCD14 DB7 => digital pin 10 LCD15 LED+ => digital pin 5 PWM Backlight LCD16 LED- => Ground /// LE SABLIER /// SDA => analog pin 4 SCL => analog pin 5 GRD => Ground VCC => +5V */ #include "LeSablier.h" #include "LiquidCrystal.h" #include "Wire.h" // initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins LiquidCrystal lcd(4, 7, 8, 13, 12, 11, 10); // RS, RW, Enable, 4,5,6,7 (Refer to the back of your LCD for details) // variables for the LCD Screen these constants won't change. But you can change the size of // your LCD using them: const int numRows = 2; const int numCols = 16; // Time interval [ms] for display updates: const unsigned long DISPLAY_INTERVAL = 5000; static unsigned long lastTime=0; // in ms unsigned long time=millis(); // in ms // variables for LDR int photocellPin = 1; // the cell and 10K pulldown are connected to A1 int photocellReading; // the analog reading from the sensor divider // LCD Backlight int LcdLedPin = 5; // connect LCD +LED to digital pin 5 (PWM pin) int LcdLedBrightness=255; // LCD Contrast int LcdContrastPin = 6; // connect LCD Contrast to digital pin 3 (PWM pin) int LcdContrast=80; // make some custom characters: byte degree[8] = { 0b00100, 0b01010, 0b00100, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000, 0b00000 }; char buf[]={"XX.X"}; float reading=0; float voltage=0; float temperature=0; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); Wire.begin(); LeSablier.begin(); //LeSablier.setAll (6, 16, 2, 13, 19, 34, 00); pinMode(LcdLedPin,OUTPUT); // set digital pin 5 to pwm output analogWrite(LcdLedPin, LcdLedBrightness); pinMode(LcdContrastPin,OUTPUT); // set digital pin 3 to pwm output analogWrite(LcdContrastPin, LcdContrast); // create a new character lcd.createChar(0, degree); lcd.begin(numRows, numCols);// set up the LCD's number of rows and columns lcd.clear(); // clear lcd screen lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set the cursor on top left hand corner of the lcd screen lcd.print("* MINI CLOCKT *"); delay(5000); lcd.clear(); Temp(); } void loop() { DateHeure (); time=millis(); if (time-lastTime>DISPLAY_INTERVAL) // if at least DISPLAY_INTERVAL ms have passed { Temp(); // print current temperature lastTime=time; } BacklightControl(); } void DateHeure () { lcd.setCursor(0, 0); lcd.print(LeSablier.getDayStr()); lcd.print(". "); if (LeSablier.getDate() < 10) { lcd.print("0"); } lcd.print(LeSablier.getDate()); lcd.print("/"); if (LeSablier.getMonth() < 10) { lcd.print("0"); } lcd.print(LeSablier.getMonth()); lcd.print("/"); if (LeSablier.getYear() < 100) { lcd.print("20"); } lcd.print(LeSablier.getYear()); lcd.setCursor(0, 1); if (LeSablier.getHours() < 10) { lcd.print("0"); } lcd.print(LeSablier.getHours()); lcd.print(":"); if (LeSablier.getMinutes() < 10) { lcd.print("0"); } lcd.print(LeSablier.getMinutes()); lcd.print(":"); if (LeSablier.getSeconds() < 10) { lcd.print("0"); } lcd.print(LeSablier.getSeconds()); } void Temp() { lcd.setCursor(8, 1); lcd.print(" "); //Serial.println("lm35DZ:"); //Serial.println(lm35dz()); dtostrf(lm35dz(), 3, 1, buf); //dtostrf(floatVar, minStringWidthIncDecimalPoint, numVarsAfterDecimal, charBuf); lcd.print(buf); //Serial.println("buffer:"); //Serial.println(buf); lcd.write((byte)0x0); lcd.print("C"); } float lm35dz(){ analogRead(3); delay(10); reading = analogRead(3); //LM35DZ connect to Analog pin 3 //convert the voltage into temperature because the LM35DZ is at 10mV per °C voltage = reading * 5.0 / 1024.0; temperature = voltage * 100 ; return temperature; } void BacklightControl() { // gestion extinction LCD le soir à 20h30 if (LeSablier.getHours()==20 && LeSablier.getMinutes()==30 && LeSablier.getSeconds()==00) { LcdLedBrightness=1; analogWrite(LcdLedPin, LcdLedBrightness); } // gestion allumage LCD le matin à 8h30 if (LeSablier.getHours()==8 && LeSablier.getMinutes()==30 && LeSablier.getSeconds()==00) { LcdLedBrightness=255; analogWrite(LcdLedPin, LcdLedBrightness); } }
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